
vrijdag 12 oktober 2012

Album Review: "Traumerei" by Dolly

Artist: Dolly
Single: Traumerei
Release Date: 10/10/2012
JRB rating:  ☀☀☀☀☼
Official Website
Buy: CDJapan (Type A and Type B)

More of what we're used to from Dolly, if perhaps a bit heavier than their previous albums. It's still what I would describe as "ambient rock", having electronic intros that make it sound like it's going to be goa music, or Drum 'n Bass. But then of course, they throw guitars and bass guitars and good vocals into the mix and the relaxation isn't all you're feeling any more. You want to bang your head, or at least tap your finger or foot to the rhythm.

The song titles themselves create an atmosphere of their own. "Paradise Lost" opens the album with bird sounds, like they weren't quite ready to leave summer behind just yet, even though it is October already. The whole song sounds rather summery, without vocals, so we are eased into the rest of the album.

Four songs in, and the heavy undertone starts trickling into your ears, without becoming actual hard rock, and if your finger is tapping along by now, I wouldn't worry. It's not going to tap out of the room just yet..

..but expect it to tap harder from now on, and let your foot join in if it wants to.

Compared to most J-Rock, this is probably the softest we've reviewed so far. But I feel the softness adds to the October feeling. Like you still want a bit of Summer in your ears before it's going to actually freeze, you know?

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