
donderdag 13 december 2012

Band of the Week: RENTRER EN SOI

From left to right: Ryo (Ba.), Shun (Gt.), Satsuki (Vo.), Takumi (Gt.) & Mika (Dr.)

RENTRER EN SOI (リエントールアンソイ) can be literally translated as "to enter in yourself/entering yourself" although this is not grammatically correct. Self-reflection was an important theme to the band members. The band had five members and had one member change during their active years. They started with a Visual Kei look inspired by the medieval period but ended with a more casual and mature look. During their seven active years they didn't only change their look, but also their sound. RENTRER EN SOI's music was constantly evolving and could offer a variation of heavy songs with low grunts or more melancholic and dream-like songs. Similar bands are Sadie, 9GOATS BLACK OUT and lynch.

This band was formed in early to mid 2001, and consisted at that time of only 4 members. Satsuki (砂月) on vocals, Takumi () and Ao () on guitar and Ryo () on bass. Activities were scarce during the first two years. They released a few demo-tapes, a few singles that were only available at their lives, and that was pretty much it. A slow start like that usually isn't very promising, but their determination paid off. In 2003 the line-up was complete by the joining of Mika (未架) on drums. Somewhere around that time they caught the attention of Yukari. He was the former vocalist of “BAISER” and had turned his focus toward producing bands.

The result of that collaboration, mini-album “Yurikago”, was released in January 2004 by the label “Free Will”. The band would join “Free Will” soon after the release. However, Yukari's influence could be heard on the album. The songs almost sounded the same as BAISER's songs. It was not a negative thing. Quite the opposite. Their popularity and number of fans increased. On the same day as the release of “Yurikago”, they held a one-man which completely sold out. Right after their first one-man, Ao left the band and was replaced shortly after by Shun (). The line-up has remained the same since then.

In August of that same year a DVD was released. It contained Pvs which were all recorded in France. In 2005 Rentrer en Soi's first full album, “Sphire Croid” was released. For this album the members dressed themselves in medieval costumes. Some of those costume consisted of harnesses and were probably not the most comfortable outfits to perform in. However, it was a rather unique style that hadn't been used by other visual kei bands.

Later that year, 2 singles were released along with the twin mini-albums, “Astre no ito” and “Kein no hitsugi”. Those were the last releases that Yukari produced for them. After the change of producer, their style began to change again and that was not the only thing. They also changed their name to an all caps format: RENTRER EN SOI.

In may 2006 they released their self-titled album, “RENTRER EN SOI”. Gentle melodies disappeared and were replaced by an overall rougher sound. Satsuki's whimpers and breathy voice made way for growls and screams. Around this time the band also altered their style to more casual outfits and make-up.

Four more singles were created before the album, “The bottom of chaos”, was released on August 1st, 2007. Before the release, the band took a major step for their career. They performed in Europe for the first time in July. They only performed twice though. Once in France and once in Germany. A few months later RENTRER EN SOI grabbed the opportunity to perform in the USA at the anime convention “Oni-con”.

In April 2008, RENTRER EN SOI should have performed in the USA again, at the “Clash Against Commercialism” event, organized by their label “Free Will” in NYC. Unfortunately, the event was canceled, but it didn't stop the band to perform in the USA again. They gave a concert at “Anime-NEXT” in June.

In October mini-album “MEGIDDO” was released, but a month before, the band announced that they would break up. A clear reason for that decision was never given though. In November the best-of album “AIN SOPH AUR”, which contained 2 discs of their best songs of the past 7 years, was released. On Christmas day 2008, RENTRER EN SOI gave their last and very emotional live performance.

Both vocalist Satsuki and drummer Mika started their solo projects in 2009. Satsuki released solo albums, became the vocalist for “Moon Stream” and “KISAKI PROJECT feat.砂月. Mika's project is called “forbidden days rhapsody”.

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